13336 Information presented may be out of date for newer versions. Feed The Beast Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Mine are the color of the GUI.Do you have all the machines facing the right way? The Turning Table was added in 1.7.10, but then removed in 1.8.9. I need the cells that are 74 or below to show a red icon and 75 and above showing a green icon.
Crafting Recipe Changes. The Electric Kinetic Generator is an experimental IndustrialCraft 2 machine that is used to generate kinetic energy for use with other IC2 machines such as the Turning Table. The increased heat output is not visible to reactor components such as heat vents and exchangers. The issue is according to videos, the lathe bittons should be dark gray. Industrialcraft turning table not working. :( Any help would be greatly appreciated the 75% is still staying Red.I guess you need in green not above 75, but above 75%. Then it crashes my spreadsheets. I doing the same. If the microwave turntable is not turning the glass tray drive coupling could be broken or stripped out. Turning table [IC2] Need Help Please. Contents 1 Powering The EU cost of the teleportation depends on the distance covered, and the weight of what is being teleported.
They continue to operate as though the heat
IC², the future of IC. In this spotlight video I go over heat generators, plus some machines that use that heat to I am trying to use conditional formatting and it is not working properly.
The Electric Kinetic Generator is an experimental IndustrialCraft 2 machine that is used to generate kinetic energy for use with other IC2 machines such as the Turning Table. Clicking a button will carve off one unit of thickness (each button has an icon of a Lathing Tool on it) and consume some of the durability of the Lathing Tool along the kU. Empowering technologists to achieve more by humanizing tech. 11574 I have it connected to a manual kinetic generator which I've clicked a lot and an electric kinetic generator with the round thing …
I am trying to use conditional formatting and it is not working properly.
You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Craft = craft things This is it.
Thank you!
Updated: This video covers 1.7.10 version of Minecraft and Forge.
Then stuff it full of redstone.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed.
While playing it, you will feel right at home again, rediscovering most NB. For some reason my turning table isn't working, and i really need it to progress in IC2. Otherwise they have a very specific orientation.Without the lathing tool, the lathe icons disappear. They must be placed like stairs. Contents 1 Powering Views
The turntable's top lights up red and the round thing on the kinetic generator is going into the turntablePut down a Turning table with a rod-thinger and a turning tool, and an electric kinetic gen with all 10 motors. Then there might be the no of reasons for this. For some reason my turning table isn't working, and i really need it to progress in IC2. Thank you! The Teleporter is a machine in IndustrialCraft 2 that is used to instantly transport players, animals, and mobs over a distance to another Teleporter. Mine = mine resources 3. Gently pull the coupling off the drive motor shaft to inspect the drive coupling for damage.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Mine = it's YOUR world 2. Community to share and get the latest about Microsoft Learn Find out more about the Microsoft MVP Award Program. Views
I could use some help! Problem.
Attached is a picture that I am putting in. The Iron Turning Blanks and Wooden Turning Blanks are divided into five sections, and each section has five units of thickness. The formed iron blanks are specific to each recipe, one of the most notable being the Mining Laser. I am still getting red icons for 75%. Did you put electric motors in the electric kinetic gen? I had to turn off my texture pack to figure it out.They should be. (Aroma1997) jenkins-IC2_112-83 Hopefully fix sparadic crashes from packet releasing It was experimental after all (Chocohead) Stop using a private field as a local variable
On the spreadsheet I'm pulling from when I go to highlight the columns it turns red and puts $ signs. When I try to do a v-look up on a spreadsheet I've used for 6 months the table array doesn't work. 73% should be red though not green.If you specify percents you specify percents of you range ignoring blank cells.
It works fine.The only difference is type is specified as Percent.Thank you for your help. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. The Turning Table requires a Lathing Tool for each use, along with 1,000 kU.The GUI requires the Turning Blank to be in the top-left slot, with the Lathing Tool in the slot under it. The 'Turning Table is an experimental IndustrialCraft 2 machine that is used to change Turning Blanks into different vertical lengths.
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