syllabus papst pius ix

-- Allocutions 45. -- Allocution 21. Moreover, even in ecclesiastical seminaries, the method of studies to be adopted is subject to the civil authority.–Allocution "Nunquam fore," Dec. 15, 1856.47. Further, it has the right to make enactments regarding the administration of the divine sacraments, and the dispositions necessary for receiving them. Hence it has been wisely decided by law, in some Catholic countries, that persons coming to reside therein shall enjoy the public exercise of their own peculiar worship. In effect, God is produced in man and in the world, and all things are God and have the very substance of God, and God is one and the same thing with the world, and, therefore, spirit with matter, necessity with liberty, good with evil, justice with injustice.–Allocution "Maxima quidem," June 9, 1862.2. -- Encyclical 20. Good hope at least is to be entertained of the eternal salvation of all those who are not at all in the true Church of Christ.–Encyclical "Quanto conficiamur," Aug. 10, 1863, etc.18. The Church has not the power of using force, nor has she any temporal power, direct or indirect. The best theory of civil society requires that popular schools open to children of every class of the people, and, generally, all public institutes intended for instruction in letters and philosophical sciences and for carrying on the education of youth, should be freed from all ecclesiastical authority, control and interference, and should be fully subjected to the civil and political power at the pleasure of the rulers, and according to the standard of the prevalent opinions of the age. -- Allocution 47. All action of God upon man and the world is to be denied.

36. The civil power may prevent the prelates of the Church and the faithful from communicating freely and mutually with the Roman pontiff. The definition of a national council does not admit of any subsequent discussion, and the civil authority car assume this principle as the basis of its acts. -- Epistle to the Archbishop of Freiburg, 48. All the truths of religion proceed from the innate strength of human reason; hence reason is the ultimate standard by which man can and ought to arrive at the knowledge of all truths of every kind. In fact, with respect to matters which concern the holy ministry, Our Lord did not put the mighty of this century in charge, but Saint Peter, whom he entrusted not only with feeding his sheep, but also the goats; therefore no power in the world, however great it may be, can deprive of the pastoral office those whom the Holy Ghost has made Bishops in order to feed the Church of God. -- 24. Lay authority possesses of itself the right of presenting bishops, and may require of them to undertake the administration of the diocese before they receive canonical institution, and the Letters Apostolic from the Holy See.– Allocution "Nunquam fore," Dec. 15, 1856.51. The Church is not a true and perfect society, entirely free- nor is she endowed with proper and perpetual rights of her own, conferred upon her by her Divine Founder; but it appertains to the civil power to define what are the rights of the Church, and the limits within which she may exercise those rights.–Allocution "Singulari quadam," Dec. 9, 1854, etc.20. The Syllabus of Pius IX The syllabus of errors condemned by Pius IX, issued December 8, 1864. The decrees of the Apostolic See and of the Roman congregations impede the true progress of science. As the philosopher is one thing, and philosophy another, so it is the right and duty of the philosopher to subject himself to the authority which he shall have proved to be true; but philosophy neither can nor ought to submit to any such authority. Nor are things any better or circumstances calmer in America, where some regions are so hostile to Catholics that their governments seem to deny by their actions the Catholic faith they claim to profess.

Protestantism is nothing more than another form of the same true Christian religion, in which form it is given to please God equally as in the Catholic Church. Explain to them often and impress deeply on their souls the Papal constitutions on this subject and teach, them that the masonic associations are anathematized by them not only in Europe but also in America and wherever they may be in the whole world. The Church has not the power of establishing diriment impediments of marriage, but such a power belongs to the civil authority by which existing impediments are to be removed.– Damnatio "Multiplices inter," June 10, 1851.69.


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