papst nikolaus 4

September 1227 in Lisciano (Ortsteil von Ascoli Piceno); † 4.

Seine Weihe und Krönung fanden am 24. Das Pontifikat Papst Nikolaus I. dauerte neun … fr. (nds); Nikola IV. und Ricoldo da Monte di Croce (BNF, Ms. fr. Pope Nicholas IV (Latin : Nicolaus IV ; 30 September 1227 – 4 April 1292), born Girolamo Masci, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 22 February 1288 to his death. Obernzell Schloss - Festsaal Wappen Papst.9a.jpg 3,236 × 1,828; 4.13 MB Papal bulla (FindID 92976).jpg 1,661 × 2,552; 927 KB Paus Nicolaas IV Nicolaus quartus (titel op object) Liber Chronicarum (serietitel), RP-P-2016-49-69-5.jpg 1,576 × 2,024; 472 KB Jerome Masci (Girolamo Masci) was born on 30 September 1227 at Lisciano, near Given the considerable losses to the numbers of the Sacred College in 1286 and 1287, it is not surprising that Nicholas IV quickly proceeded to fill vacancies. Mehr sehen » Arghun. Papst Nikolaus IV.

(cs); 尼閣四世 (zh-tw); Papa Nikolasi IV (sw); Pópù Nicholas 4k (yo); Niccolò IV (scn); Papa Nicolau IV (pt); Papa Nicolas IV (ilo); Papa Nicolas IV (war); Nikolas IV.a (eu); Mikalojus IV (lt); Papež Nikolaj IV. November 1397 in Sarzana, Ligurien; 24. (sk); Миколай IV (uk); 尼閣四世 (zh-hant); 尼古拉四世 (zh-cn); 교황 니콜라오 4세 (ko); Nikolao la 4-a (eo); Папа Никола IV (mk); Nicolas IV (fr); Paus Nikolas IV (jv); Nikola IV. Jahrhunderts) Nikolaus IV. (de); Мікалай IV, Папа Рымскі (be); نیکلاس چهارم (fa); 尼各老四世 (zh); Pave Nikolaus 4. IV, Nikolaus IV. Universalgeschichte'' Raschīd ad-Dīns aus dem 14. Abstract "Angabe der quellen und einschlägiger werke": p. He was buried in the Hugues Aiscelin was Master of the Sacred Palaces, appointed either by Martin IV or Honorius IV: J. Catalano, What is surprising is that he did not even reach the number of cardinals who were alive under Honorius IV, let alone exceed it. Miklós pápa (hu); Kau-fòng Nicolaus 4-sṳ (hak); Николай IV (ru); Nikolaus IV. (sh); Pápa Nioclás IV (ga); Papa Nikolla IV (sq); Papa Nicolae al IV-lea (ro); Nicolaus IV (sv); Nicolao IV (gl); Gáu-huòng Nicolaus 4-sié (cdo); 尼古拉四世 (zh-hans); Pape Nicholas IV (sco) 191° vescovo di Roma e papa della Chiesa cattolica (it); pape (fr); 191. pápež katolíckej cirkvi (sk); papa (hr); papież (pl); אפיפיור (he); priester uit Heilige Stoel (1227-1292) (nl); папа римский с 22 февраля 1288 по 4 апреля 1292 (ru); Papa ti Katoliko a Simbaan (ilo); 191. The following 23 files are in this category, out of 23 total. On 16 May 1288, he named six new cardinals: Bernardus Calliensis, Bishop of Osimo (who died in 1291), Hugues Aiscelin (Seguin) de Billon, OP, of the diocese of Clermont in the Auvergne;Nicholas IV issued an important constitution on 18 July 1289, which granted to the In regard to the question of the Sicilian succession, as feudal suzerain of the kingdom, Nicholas annulled the treaty, concluded in 1288 through the mediation of Nicholas IV died in Rome on 4 April 1292, in the palace which he had built next to the Liberian Basilica (S. Maria Maggiore).

(da); ნიკოლოზ IV (ka); ニコラウス4世 (ja); ניקולאוס הרביעי (he); Nicolaus IV (la); 尼各老四世 (wuu); Nikolaus IV (fi); papa Niccolò IV (it); Πάπας Νικόλαος Δ΄ (el); Nicolau IV (ca); Nicolaus IV (et); Paus Nicolaas IV (nl); Mikuláš IV. (hr); पोप निकोलस चौथा (mr); Giáo hoàng Nicôla IV (vi); Pous Nicolaas IV (af); Папа Никола IV (sr); 尼古拉四世 (zh-sg); Kàu-hông Nicolaus 4-sè (nan); Nikolas IV (nb); Nicholas IV (en); نقولا الرابع (ar); Nikolaz IV (br); 尼閣四世 (yue); IV.

IV (la); Girolamo Masci, Papa Nicolau IV (ca); Nicolaus 04, Nicolas IV, Girolamo Masci, Nikolaus IV, Nikolas IV (sv); Niccolò IV, Papa Nicolò IV, Papa Nicola IV, Girolamo Masci (it); 교황 니꼴라오 4세 (ko); Girolamo Masci, Pope Nicholas IV, ‏ papa Niccolò‏ IV, Jerome of Ascoli, Pope Niccolò IV, Nicolaus PP. Nikolaus V., Sohn eines Arztes, war der erste Bürgerliche auf dem Papstthron seit Coelestin V. und auch der erste Humanist unter den Päpsten. Jahrhunderts in Rom geboren wurde, war der erste gekrönte Papst. – Papst Nikolaus I., der zu Beginn des 9. 2810'', fol. BNF, ''Ms. Nicolaus (tr); 尼閣四世 (zh-hk); Mikuláš IV. (* 30.

[3]-4.Inaug.-dis.--Bern.Mode of access: Internet

Jhd. 278; Anfang des 15. (sl); Nicolás IV (tl); Papo Nikolaus la 4ma (io); สมเด็จพระสันตะปาปานิโคลัสที่ 4 (th); Paus Nikolas IV (id); Mikołaj IV (pl); Nikolaus IV. März 1455 in Rom) war von 1447 bis 1455 Papst.. Leben. Papst der katholischen Kirche (de); pontifik v letech 1288–1292 (cs); papa (gl); 191st Pope of the Catholic Church (en); 羅馬天主教會第191任教宗 (zh); 191° Papa de la Iglesia Católica (es) Nicolas IV, Papa Nicolás IV, Girolamo Masci d'Ascoli, Papa Nicolas IV (es); Girolamo Masci (fr); Jeronim Masci (hr); Джироламо Маши д’Асколи (ru); Pope Nicholas IV, Pópù Nicholas IV (yo); Girolamo Masci d’Ascoli, Girolamo Masci d'Ascoli (de); Girolamo masei de ascoli, Nicolau IV (pt); Папа Рымскі Мікалай IV (be); 尼可拉四世, 尼古拉斯四世, 尼格勞四世, 教宗尼各老四世, 尼克拉斯四世, 尼古拉四世, 尼閣四世, 尼各勞四世, 尼可拉斯四世 (zh); Popiežius Mikalojus IV (lt); Nicolae al IV-lea (ro); Jerome d’Ascoli, Girolamo Masci d’Ascoli, Girolamo Masci d'Ascoli (af); Papa Nicholas IV, Papa Nikolaus IV (sw); Pope Nicholas IV (war); Nikolas IV (id); Papież Mikołaj IV (pl); Nicolau IV (gl); Nicholaus IV, Nicolaus PP. He was the first Franciscan to be elected pope. Nicolás IV (es); Николай IV (bg); IV. Papst, Nicolas IV pape, Pope Nicolaus IV, Girolamo d' Ascoli, Girolamo' Masci, Pope Niccolo IV (en); نيكولا الرابع, نيكولاس الرابع (ar); Girolamo Masci (br); Girolamo Masci (et)

statt. 2810, fol. 278; Anfang des 15. Nikolaus V., bürgerlich Tommaso Parentucelli (15. April 858 im Petersdom in Anwesenheit Kaiser Ludwigs II.


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