gaudi casa batlló

Information on Gaudí and the building, visits, prices, offers and events. A remodel of a previously built house, it was redesigned in 1904 by Gaudí and has been refurbished several times after that. New open-air areas, surprises for the youngest members of the family and more music than everWe're bringing music back to the roof terrace, with both afternoon and evening sessions this year, and a table for you and your friends and family.Discover how, with the aid of technology, we have redefined your visit to ensure that it is safe.We have designed a new visit that guarantees the safety of everyone, betting on the latest technology in hygiene and offering real time information to the visitorThank you for subscribing to the Casa Batlló newsletter.You will receive all our latest news and updates soon.We inform that Casa Batlló uses cookies of third parties in order to obtain information of users accessing to the website.

Legend has it that it was once possible to see the One of the highlights of the façade is a tower topped with a cross of four arms oriented to the cardinal directions. The noble floor is accessed through a private entrance hall that utilizes skylights resembling tortoise shells and vaulted walls in curving shapes. Gaudí represents an animal's spine by using tiles of different colors on one side. He completely changed the main apartment which became the residence for the Batlló family. It is located in the middle of In 1906 Josep Batlló still owned the home. It is a bulbous, root-like structure that evokes plant life. The award was given to another architect that year despite Gaudí's design. The roof is decorated with four chimney stacks, that are designed to prevent backdraughts.The façade has three distinct sections which are harmoniously integrated. In the same year the Barcelona City Council selected the house as a candidate for that year's best building award. In 1954 an insurance company named Seguros Iberia acquired Casa Batlló and set up offices there. Casa Batlló features some of the most breathtaking detail ever used by Antoni Gaudi in his architecture and the house remains an integral part of the Gaudi trail.
He chose the architect who had designed In 1904 Josep Batlló hired Gaudí to design his home; at first his plans were to tear down the building and construct a completely new house. Casa Batlló is one of the two great buildings designed by Antoni Gaudí on Passeig de Gràcia, the other being La Pedrera. The design of the house made the home undesirable to buyers but the Batlló family decided to buy the place due to its centralized location. He expanded the central well in order to supply light to the whole building and also added new floors. The building was completed and refurbished in 1906. Mr. Josep Batlló I Casanovas was a textile industrialist who owned a few factories in the city. Gaudí convinced Josep that a renovation was sufficient and was also able to submit the planning application the same year. On the Passeig de Gracia side is Mr. Batlló's study, a dining room, and a secluded spot for courting couples, decorated with a mushroom-shaped fireplace. After the death of the two parents, the house was kept and managed by the children until 1954. On the noble floor, there is a spacious landing with direct views to the blue tiling of the building well. The "Skulls" are in fact balconies and the "bones" are supporting pillars. The building was opened to the public as part of the celebration of the International Year of Gaudí. The tower is decorated with monograms of Jesus (JHS), Maria (M with the ducal crown) and Joseph (JHP), made of ceramic pieces that stand out golden on the green background that covers the façade. Si sigues utilizando esta web sin cambiar tus ajustes de cookies o haces clic en "Aceptar" estarás dando tu consentimiento a esto. Official website of Casa Batlló, modernist building designed by Gaudí in Barcelona.

Casa Batlló met with very much unanticipated success, and visitors became eager to see the rest of the house. Josep wanted an architect that would design a house that was like no other and stood out as being audacious and creative. From the outside the façade of Casa Batlló looks like it has been made from skulls and bones. In 1970, the first refurbishment occurred mainly in several of the interior rooms of the house. It is the main floor of the building. The Batlló family was very well known in Barcelona for its contribution to the textile industry in the city. These symbols show the deep religiosity of Gaudí, who was inspired by the contemporaneous construction of his basilicaThe bulb was broken when it was delivered, perhaps during transportation. In 2005, Casa Batlló became a The roof terrace is one of the most popular features of the entire house due to its famous dragon back design. The design is complemented by joinery windows set with multicolored stained glass.In 1999 the elevator was reformed to adapt it to modern standards preserving its original appearance. Mr. Batlló married Amalia Godo Belaunzaran, from the family that founded the newspaper La Vanguardia. It is known for its simplicity of shapes and its Mediterranean influence through the use of white on the walls. Like everything Gaudí designed, Casa Batlló is only identifiable as The building that is now Casa Batlló was built in 1877, commissioned by Lluís Sala Sánchez.The house was bought by Josep Batlló in 1900. In 2002, the house opened its doors to the public, and people were allowed to visit the noble floor.

Both Josep and his wife were open to anything and they decided not to limit Gaudí. It was formerly a service area for the tenants of the different apartments in the building which contained laundry rooms and storage areas. Los ajustes de cookies de esta web están configurados para "permitir cookies" y así ofrecerte la mejor experiencia de navegación posible. It contains a series of sixty The noble floor is larger than seven-hundred square meters. The project was by Joan Bassegoda Nonell and collaborators Bibiana Sciortino and Mario Andruet. The lower ground floor with the main floor and two first-floor galleries are contained in a structure of The roof's arched profile recalls the spine of a dragon with ceramic tiles for scales, and a small triangular window towards the right of the structure simulates the eye. Much of the The loft is considered to be one of the most unusual spaces.


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