china cables pdf


In November 2016, news organizations reported that officials were confiscating the passports of Xinjiang’s Muslim residents.

Similar reports have been “published” several times, only to be later debunked. Under Xi, it became way more assertive about how it presented itself. It is a very different culture and country from the US or EU, and largely incomparable, and it is the Chinese who are the proper people to deal with Chinese problems. That makes peaceful integration almost impossible, although was not really going to happen anyhow. A person in, say, Fiji, might be critical of the what is happening in Xinjiang, but he or she has nothing to do with the US.And so, what a country does is answerable to all the people of the world, today, and in the future.
“I thought, it’ll be my turn soon.” She was taken to a camp on March 10, 2018.The Chinese government tried to keep the camps a secret. Because these contacts have and in come cases continue to operate in China, accounts like this are against their commercial interest. After 1945 we should understand that means China no longer has any such thing as “internal affairs”. 2 points to the role of China’s embassies and consulates in collecting information for IJOP, which is then used to generate names for investigation and detention.

That transfers the domestic problem elsewhere. Three of Qianlong’s Ten Great Campaigns occurred there, though he did not fight Russia, but it was his grandfather, Kangxi, who battled the Tsar’s adventurists in order to save their Manchu homeland.The Chinese claim on Tibetan, if there is one, could be related to Princess Wencheng of the Tang dynasty over 1,000 years ago, who allegedly married Songtsen Gampo, founder of the Tibetan empire.On the other hand, China does not claim sovereignty over, say, Korea or Vietnam (at least I am not aware of them), but does with Tibet and Xinjiang.I suspect logic as mentioned in this comment is involved somehow.Furthermore, it’s quite possible that if it is so desired, China could claim Lake Baikal. Some, the whole family.”“In February 2018, they arrested my older brother. The documents detail explicit directives to arrest Uighurs with foreign citizenship and to track Xinjiang Uighurs living abroad, some of whom have been deported back to China by authoritarian governments.
All exporters and suppliers of PVC Cables from China are subject to IDD. Religious freedom is fully respected in Xinjiang.”The statement also said: “Second, the trainees take various courses at the vocational education and training centres, and their personal freedom of the trainees is fully guaranteed.”It continued:  “The [M]andarin is widely used in China and thus taught as one of the courses at the centres. 0000260441 00000 n In some villages in southern Xinjiang, police had been ordered to sweep up nearly 40% of the adult population, it was reported later.“At that time, it was terror among people,” said Tursunay Ziavdun, a 40-year-old Uighur woman now in Kazakhstan who spent 11 months in a camp in Xinjiang. Across China, he set about eliminating challenges to party rule; dissidents and human rights lawyers disappeared in waves of arrests. By all accounts, China will continue to treat the Uighur question as a vital security matter. Google is unique in its private ownership and use of significant amounts of cable, but these tech firms participate in submarine cable consortiums with other companies. But beginning in late 2017,  journalists, academics and other researchers — using satellite images, government procurement documents and eyewitness accounts — revealed a string of detention facilities,  surrounded by fences and guard towers, across the region and the outlines of a new and alarming system of mass surveillance.In October 2018, after the satellite images and eyewitness accounts made it undeniable, Xinjiang’s governor, Shohrat Zakir, acknowledged the existence of a system of what he called “professional vocational training institutions.” He said their purpose was to de-radicalize those suspected of terrorist or extremist leanings.In an official white paper released in August, the government proclaimed the “vocational training centers” a resounding success, claiming that an absence of terror attacks in Xinjiang in the past three years was a result of the policy.The China Cables starkly contradict the Chinese government’s official characterization of the camps as benevolent social programs that provide “residential vocational training” and meals “free of charge.” The documents specify that arrests should be made in almost any circumstance — unless suspicions can be “ruled out” – and reveal that a central goal of the campaign is general indoctrination.The style combines standard Chinese bureaucratese with Orwellian doublespeak, blandly  prescribing the secure management of toilet breaks and setting conditions for seeing loved ones while referring to inmates as “students” and listing the requirements to “graduate.”The manual emphasizes that personnel must “prevent escapes” and mandates the use of guard posts, patrols, video surveillance, alarms and other security measures typical of prisons. Alas, this wouldn’t fly in light of the One China doctrine.Certainly it is really important to raise awareness of this, so that to whatever degree possible, those who are in a position to say anything can put some pressure so that China doesn’t just go about the “assimilation” process by brute force.


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